Subject: Re: AOL undermines publisher's interests From: "Nate Zelnick" Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 03:02:28 +0000
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: AOL undermines publisher's interests From: "Nate Zelnick" Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 03:02:28 +0000
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 Joe Shea   wrote:

> 	Jeremy, did you really think they would assist in creating their 
> own competition?
If this was motivated by that concern, I doubt they would have 
plunked down the kind of cash they have for all of the pieces of 
putting together a real Internet business.  They could have used that 
money to mollify the content providers who are pi...uh...miffed that 
they don't seem to be making any money being on the consumer 
online services.  They really don't see the Web as competition--they 
see it as a chance to jump on the bandwagon and scarfup all of that 
"free" content out there while signing up new users in droves.

I think they rushed this because Prodigy totally surpirsed them with 
their excellent browser (I just went on and checked it out 
again--full support for whatever I want to do with it, including 
entering SSL-enabled sites with security on, logging into 
password-protected sites, et. al.  Still too slow, even at 14.4, but 
a fine solution for the technically adverse who shouldn't have to 
know that there's such a thing as Winsock).

The disappointing thing is that InternetWorks DOES have all kinds of 
nifty tricks, none of which seem to have found their way into AOL's 
browser (well, maybe some of the OLE 2 stuff).

Nate Zelnick                
Information & Interactive Services Report v. 609-397-8990
Report on Electronic Commerce             f. 609-397-8993
Multimedia Daily       URL

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