Subject: Re: Microsoft, wizard and piracy: A calm analysis From: (Jim Moody) Date: Mon, 12 Jun 95 11:14 PDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Microsoft, wizard and piracy: A calm analysis From: (Jim Moody) Date: Mon, 12 Jun 95 11:14 PDT
Status: RO
X-Status: D

... and in this current political climate, who'll stop MS?  I listened to an
interesting interview on PBS with the editor of Mother Jones who opined that
the real danger to democracy is that global corporations may soon make
nation states and their governments inconsequential at best, and obsolete at

How ironic ... here speaks the 60's leftist ... that early left
theoreticians are probablly going to end up being right about the threat to
democracy posed by international corporations who owe allegiance to no
government, and are responsible to no authority for their actions.  

In my view we're already seeing democratically validated legislation struck
down at the behest of large corporations.  

I hope you're wrong, Rex, but my bones are saying that you are right.


| Jim Moody                 |  "Here at Shinano                 |
| IDOX Communications, Inc  |   are famous moons, and Buddhas,  |
| Portland, OR              |   and our good noodles."          |
| Jim@IDOX.COM              |                   --- ISSA ---    |

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