Subject: Re: New Century Network From: (Don Taylor) Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 04:32:26 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: New Century Network From: (Don Taylor) Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 04:32:26 -0500
Status: RO

At 04:20 AM 5/1/95 -0400, R Ballard wrote:
>Remember, Corporate America still thinks that the Internet is a bunch of 
>radical college students who make bombs and shred hard drives through 
>shell commands.  To that world, endorsement by familiar brands is a 
>public endorsement of the Internet.

This is one of the reasons why Inet-Marketing people should devote a little
time now and then to promoting a more positive image of the Net. Too many
responsible people think we're just fringe group hate-mongers and weirdos.

>> Maybe they're just practicing the old idea of not putting all their eggs in
>> one basket (or hedging their bet in some circles).
>There will be lots of baskets before it's over.  Look-and-feel, user 
>interfaces are largely a matter of choice.  What is appropriate for a 9.6 
>kb user on a 14" monitor is much different than what is wanted by a T1 
>user on a 21" monitor.

Now come on Rex. You know the Mac still is the original and best GUI
regardless of those factors. :-) AT least that's what the people on the
C|NET TV show want you to think.

>Again, public endorsement, through press releases, provides more trust 
>from "Main Street" for the internet.  Many of the providers are coming to 
>corporations with promises to protect them from outside users.  Most 
>IAPs are putting routing, caller ID, and accounting on their PPP and SLIP 

Gee, all I want from mine is higher speed modems.

>Again, what the Internet has needed for some time is Trust.  When J.P. 
>Morgan openly announces that it manages pension funds through sources 
>obtained on the Internet, people will start to let go of the "Students 
>and Soldiers Only" mentality.

So do we need a catchy new slogan: Trust me, I'm on the Internet.
>> I would imagine a consortium of this size would be very difficult to focus
>> on singular objectives, even after its been in place for a while. I'm
>> working on a *much* smaller one and can't imagine the nightmares they're
>> having. Every member has their own agenda, which may or may not coincide
>> with the consortium's. Oy vey!
>Look at the fun we're having in THIS group!

Yeah, but we don't hold a candle to the ego and profit requirements of NCN. :-)

Tally Ho


P.S. Rex made several points that I don't disagree with. I think I'm just a
bit mailed out and need a little diversion. Will Public Trust bring the
lemmings to the Net? Lack of it keeps people from voting so why not.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
C.          Helping small business do better with information technology.
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