Date: Fri, 14 Apr 95 15:34:17 EDT
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO
Report #7 from Tom Vassos and Jacqueline Fortin
HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY to all that celebrate this holiday.
One of the unfortunate things about not being able to make it
to the show is that you really are missing the hum and
excitement of being in the conference and on the exhibit floor.
Another thing that you miss out on is all of those
fun "trickets and trash" items that are given away, as well
as the many giveaways and contests that you can enter, just
by "giving us your business card". Well, don't fret, Tom and
Jacqueline bring the prizes to you!
Here's what what we did. We approached several vendors on
the exhibit floor and asked them if they had any prizes they
could offer up to INET, MARKET-L and Online-News subscribers,
especially those that couldn't make it to the show. I also told
them that it would give them some nice publicity in front of
about 7,000 key industry influencers. Well, most vendors said
"No". Either they didn't believe me, or they didn't think you
guys and gals were important enough. :-)
But the good news is that a few companies did put up prizes for
our own personal Internet World Lucky Draw!
Hey, these trip reports are almost turning into a virtual trade
Here's the goodies you can win:
M(tm) Multimedia Marketing Inc. has offered up a free CD ROM with
the entire contents of the Internet World Conference and Exhibit.
Yes, you heard right. It includes 7,000 pages of text from the
conference speeches, audio and video highlights of the show,
background details on all of the speakers and all of the
exhibitors. (See below if you don't win this item but want to order
it anyway.)
(This company also sells cassette tapes of all of the speeches
at the conference.)
PC Gifts and Flowers was kind enough to give us 10 prizes
for our lucky draw. This includes 5 dozen roses and 5 greeting
cards plus delivery to anywhere in the U.S. (My apologies to
those outside of the U.S. - I couldn't get a commitment for free
worldwide delivery.) (Disclaimer: Tom works for IBM who is
the co-owner of this venture along with a company called PC
DEC gave us a nice casual shirt as well as a T-shirt (both with
the DEC URL on it of course).
So what do you think? Not bad, eh?
(For those of you that didn't catch it, that "eh"
on the end of the sentence is a trademarked Canadian habit.)
Next we had to decide how to do a lucky draw since we don't
know everyone's name on these 3 forums. So, here's how we
decided to do it. We have randomly selected four letters of
the alphabet for each prize. The person who's last name (1st two
letters) matches any 2 of these randomly generated letters, automatically
wins the prize. (If this is confusing don't worry, see below.)
Next, we decided not to randomly give away ALL of the prizes.
Instead, we decided to automatically declare the following
individuals as prize winners of one dozen roses each:
Glenn Fleishmann, Moderator/Administrator, INET forum
Charlie Hoffacker, Moderator/Administrator, MARKET-L forum
Steve Outing, Moderator/Administrator, Online-News forum
We felt that as a community of individuals, this is the least
we could do to thank these 3 for their unpaid efforts of running
these forums. It is also a thank you to their spouses (if they
have one) for the sacrificing that they are also likely making in
terms of the personal time required to keep these forums going.
I hope everyone agrees with this approach.
Anyway, here's the Lucky Draw results for the rest of the
1. CD ROM Ka .....or..... Uq
2. First dozen roses Sa .....or..... Di
3. Second dozen roses Gi .....or..... Vu
4. Two greeting cards Ni .....or..... Aj
5. Three greeting cards Du .....or..... Pu
6. Shirt and T-shirt Co .....or..... Ri
So, here's how to claim your prize. If your last name matches
any of these 2 letter combinations, just send a message to
If more than one message is received for a given prize, the
first person to respond will be the winner. If
nobody claims a particular prize within a short period of time,
then we'll do another drawing.
NO CHEATING (i.e. changing your sig file with a new last name).
(Anyone caught cheating will be publicly flogged or will be forced
to read the entire contents of the Encyclopedia Brittanica online.)
Note: These results have NOT been audited by Price Waterhouse,
and this contest is the sole creation of Tom Vassos/Jacqueline
Fortin. The decision of the judges will be final. This contest is
not in any way sponsored by IBM or the University of Toronto...
...had to get that disclaimer in there somewhere. :-)
Here's some additional details that I thought you might be
interested in. The rest of this note reads a bit like an ad, so
if you're not interested in these companies or their products,
please read no further....
M(tm) Multimedia Marketing Inc. is located in California at
818-879-1151. As mentioned above, their CD of the show
sells for $119, and their cassette tapes of the conference sessions
range in price from $12.50 (for 1 tape of 1 session) to $599.00
(U.S$) (for all of the cassette tapes for the entire conference).
Unfortunately they don't have an online order form, but if you
want the CD or tapes, all you have to do is send an e-mail
message to the President, Larry Jordan, at:
In that note, tell him your FAX number and Larry will FAX
the order forms to you with all of the details.
PC Gifts and Flowers sells flowers, balloons, gourmet foods,
greeting cards and other gifts such as teddy bears.
They can be reached at:
DEC sells hardware, software and services for the Internet
marketplace and can be reached at
Well, that's it for this report. Apologies for stepping on anyone's
feet regarding today's content (but we can't be serious all the
time) :-)
Tom Vassos Jacqueline Fortin
Final Disclaimer: This contest void where prohibited by law.
(learned that disclaimer at this conference)
TOM VASSOS, B.E.S., M.B.A., Part-time Instructor, University of Toronto
Internet Writer, Educator, Speaker: Call for courseware, keynotes, etc.
Manager, InfoHighway Marketing Strategies, IBM Software Solutions Div'n
E-MAIL: PHONE: 416-448-2189 FAX: 416-448-2893 (c)
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