Subject: Re: Landmark Education From: Date: Mon, 12 Sep 94 12:21:44 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Landmark Education
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 94 12:21:44 EDT
Newsgroups: alt.self-improve
In-Reply-To: <3510d3$>
References: <>
Organization: Clemson University
Status: RO
Thanks for you posting. I am one of the editors of the FAQ for this group.
I have been trying for a while to get some details about Landmark Education,
but to date no one has provided me anything I consider sufficient. Your
posting was very nice, but I"m wondering if you could provide some more details
and I'll be happy to include it in the FAQ.
(1) The promises of Est are basically the same as every other self improvement
program ever devised. How does it work? Why does it get results where
others fail?
(2) Can you provide any details about the process that occurs at a seminar?
My understanding is that in the early days of Est, participants were not
allowed to give out details of what went on at the seminars. Is that still
the case in Landmark Education?
In article <3510d3$> you write:
>In article ,
>Howard Sambol wrote:
>>In article <>, Neil Chapman wrote:
>>> I was wondering if anyone reading has had any experiences, good or bad, about
>>> Landmark Education, The Forum, or any of their work . . . . . . .
>I did the Forum in 1991 and have been assisting as a volunteer for the past
>3 years. I have spent some time with graduates.
>>Many years ago, back in the early to mid 80's I was involved with WE&A and
>>did the est training and a very early version of the Forum called the
>>Forum intensive
>EST was a predicessor of the Forum. They are very different. Thedilivery
>and technology are very different. Today, Forum Leaders are not allowed
>to use swear words, breaks are closer together and moe carefully managed
>(breaks are now every 2 1/2 to 3 hours) and the course takes 3 consecutive
>days instead of 2 weekends, plus the evening session.
>>. The work was very powerful and valuable at the time and
>>inspired me to create a unique consulting business called ENCOMPASS which
>>focuses on Career Transition in a transformational context.
>The Forum is designed to give you access to destiguish those areas in your
>life that limit you or prevent you from achieving those things which you
>are committed to accomplishing. Most people report extraordinary new
>abilities (called breakthroughs) in the area of personal relationships,
>confidence, personal effectiveness, making and acting on powerful
>choices, and living life fully.
>>However, after a while, I got tired of the exploitation and the way the
>>organization was run and so I bowed out. I have some friends that are
>In 1992, Landmark looked atitself and has been altering it's business
>practices to more effectively serve the participants. Different people
>go on to different levels. Some people come to theForum and do nothing
>else, but they take their lives on in a more powerful way. Others
>participate as volunteers. The olunteers are actually required to get
>more out of their service than the put into it (training, development,
>breakthroughs in personal and professional lives...)
> They have a program called the curriculum for living which promises that
>when you complete it, you will be living a life you love, powerfully and
>effectively. I completed it in 1992 and have found it to be remarkably
>>still involved with the now Landmark Education and they tell me "how
>>different it is". I do believe that it is probably quite different now but
>>am somehow not drawn to participate. I have my own work to do and I'm
>>doing it.
>Actually, there are many people who are very much like this. They reach
>a point where they are satisfied with the quality of their life and they
>are producing breakthroughs in their live out of structures they have set
>up as a result of their participation in Landmark.
>>If you'd like to know more about our work at ENCOMPASS with Career
>>Crafting, please send me some e-mail.
>There are many success stories from the participants of Landmark. I
>personally had several breakthroughs in my career and volunteer
>activities. If you would like I can refer you to the Landmark public
>relations people as well.
>I have brought several people to the free introductions who did not
>register, but who got something out of the introduction that had them
>take on certain areas of their lives very powerfully. My brother went
>back to college, two friends started their own businesses, and one
>started a new career. This is only from the 2 hour introduction. The
>people who spend 48 hours (3 15 hour days and a 3 hour evening) come away
>with new relationships with wives, parents, siblings, bosses, and coworkers.
>I've gotten to know about 2000 participants for about 2 years. Many stay
>for about 3 to 9 months, and then find their life is too full to do more
>seminars. Others stay on and become leaders and volunteers.
>I came to the Forum after 11 years in a 12 step program. In that program
>I had experienced amazing results, including marriage, children, and
>career I hadn't thought possible. By the start of the second day, I was
>learning things it had taken me ten years to practice, but now I had
>access to what that was and how to be effective. The other people didn't
>even have this background and they were also mastering these practices.
>Landmark was doing in three days to 130 people what took me 6 months to
>accomplish with a single sponsee.
Loren Larsen | INTERNET:
Department of Computer Science |---------------------------------------------
Clemson University | Why be your real self when you could be
G25 Jordan Hall | something really worthwhile?
(803) 656-2637 | - Richard Bandler
Clemson, SC 29634-1906 |
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