Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 08:55:07 GMT
In your message dated Wednesday 9, August 1995 you wrote :
> Seems like there's a good career opportunity here. Some of these
> elements will require maturity (for lack of a better word) in use of the
> medium -- a general understanding, for example, that one should check a
> list's archives before requesting general information on a broad topic.
> This requires that lists have archives, of course.
> It wouldn't necessarily have to cost megabucks, as the key factors
> here are good judgment in assessing the value of content and time &
> technical resources to manage it well. It would require the list manager
> to have a rather rare set of attitudes & characteristics. They include the
> willingness to work for a reasonable living wage (and accept the unlimited
> "psychic rewards" associated with what is essentially a public service
> job), a substantial amount of patience, and a deep respect for the
> principle that people have the right to hold different views & express
> them in varying ways.
> My $.02. Anyone else want to add to the job description?
It seems to me that moderators need to be people with experience in the area of
the group, and the respect of the members. They need a willingness to foster
the subject, and the people who are involved in it.
This is the kind of job (like the academic 'chair' or the teaching post)
that usually falls to the 'elder statesmen' - the retired or semi-retired
members of whatever community who have had a long carreer and now wish to help
shape the future of their subject.
> *************************************************************************
> Susan Prince <> | KVIE (Public TV), P.O. Box 6
> TV Programming/Software Specialist | Sacramento, CA 95812
> | 916/929-5843
- --
Christian Darkin
End of online-news-digest V1 #282
From Thu Aug 10 15:15:17 1995
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