Subject: Re: From: Joe Shea Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 16:47:46 -0800 (PST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: From: Joe Shea Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 16:47:46 -0800 (PST)

	We're a newspaper, an online commercial daily newspaper, Wendy,
and a wire service.  

	As Adam told Internet World ('Renegade Band," Sept. '95), "In
terms of a newspaper with original content, The American Reporter may be
the first," said Adam Gaffin, author of the Big Dummy's Guide to the
Internet and online editor for Network World ... Gaffin reserves the
distrinction of first Net newspaper for Clarinet, which sells days-old
wire copy to various networks and can be found on many systems' Usenet

	I think you have an e-zine, and certainly the first
daily e-zine I've ever heard of.  


Joe Shea
The American Reporter

On Thu, 15 Feb 1996, Wendie Bernstein Lash wrote:

> Maybe we have you all beat! We have been running online newsmaker interviews 
> (content) on the Net since 
> October of 1994.  When did American Reporter go live with their site?
> Wendie Bernstein Lash
> President
> WebChat Communications (Formely The Internet Roundtable Society)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>             >>> Visit the WebChat Broadcasting System (WBS)! <<<
>       >>Over 25,000 unique visitors a day and 30 million hits a month<<
>        The Web's Live Multimedia Chat and Event Center:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Wed, 14 Feb 1996, Adam Gaffin wrote:
> > > 
> > > 	No offense to Rupert, but "the first Web site featuring extensive,
> > > original content built just for the Internet" was The American Reporter. 
> > 
> > Oh, yeah, and let's not forget Web Review, Feed, Word (well, maybe 
> > no original news content there, but it is content and it is 
> > original), etc., etc. 
> > 
> > Thus we have lesson 25 on why it's always dangerous to use the words 
> > "first" and "Internet" in the same sentence.
> > 
> > This is not to denigrate anything News Corp.'s done. I took a very 
> > cursory look (hey, I have to hurry home; tis Valentine's Day after 
> > all), and it certainly looks like there's lots of stuff to explore 
> > there - I'll be going back tomorrow...
> > 
> > 
> > Adam Gaffin
> > Online Editor, Network World
> > / (508) 820-7433
> > "So, in 1996, CD-ROMs through Federal Express will
> > emerge as the information superhighway." - Bob Metcalfe
> > 


End of online-news-digest V1 #522

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