Subject: Re: Malaysian Goes for Sydney2000 Gold From: Bala Pillai Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 21:42:34 +1000
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Malaysian Goes for Sydney2000 Gold From: Bala Pillai Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 21:42:34 +1000
At 09:06 PM 21/09/96 -0700, Mark Loundy wrote:

>        ...The IOC may legally prevent you from using SYDNEY2000 for any
>purpose remotely conected with the Olympics...

Sydney 2000 happens to be:-

a) the name of a city and it's postcode AND
b) the name of a city and a year in which lots will be happening - the end
of the millenia, the Year 2000 Computer Bug etc

Unless Juan Samaranch and friends have bought the city over along with the
Harbour Bridge and the Opera House, I don't see what the IOC has to do with
Sydney 2000. Maybe you know something Sydneysiders don't :)

I don't see why I cannot have the site the various things that'll be
happening in Sydney in the year 2000 including a global web chat site for
those coming to Sydney then.

>        ...The Sydney Olympic committee may simply use another domain and
>ignore you...

b) fair enough - that's what they are saying so far. Mr Richard Palfreyman,
a spokesman for SOCOG (Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games) is
quoted in the Australian (the only national daily in Australia) as saying
"the committee wasn't too concerned about Mr Pillai's Internet foray".
Whether this is SOCOG-speak for "we've couriered it to the lawyers" I don't

>        ...INTERNIC may unilaterally revoke the domain based on its new
>rules regarding disputed domain names and reassign it to the Sydney Olympic

My reading of the new INTERNIC rules, suggest that there's more due process
than that. This is not as straightforward as you make it out to be, but
we'll see.
>I would think that each of the above would be more likely scenarios than
>your making a dime from the domain name.

Oh...come on won't you grant that I'd be able to afford a bronze even from
sponsors of the site?

>Cute stunt, though.

thanks :)


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