Subject: Re: Writing for the text-only's... From: (Don Taylor) Date: Sun, 2 Jul 1995 12:13:29 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Writing for the text-only's... From: (Don Taylor) Date: Sun, 2 Jul 1995 12:13:29 -0500
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO
X-Status: D

This may be too late, Sanjay, and inappropriate because your problem is more
local and you do now have a line (ISDN?). But the NYNEX central number for
ISDN is 617-743-4000. (Surprisingly most central numer are 800, except
Nevada Bell, Cincinnati Bell and Nynex.) According to my research, setup is
$150, typical monthly cost is $38 and it is available to 80% of the
customers. I managed to get a diskette from Bell Atlantic that tells me
exactly what exchanges have ISDN availability, and they will even send me an
update periodically for free.

Another alternative is to contact a local ISP (one of the first-rate ones).
I have found they can sometimes make you a better offer than the local phone
co, though how I do not understand.

It is typical of the phone co. to be unable to say when new capabilities
will become available to the different exchange. Someday I may find out why
but I suspect they are imply not given access to the information.
Considering how such capabilities can often play a significant role in
business, it seems a poor management decision to me.


At 10:38 PM 7/1/95 -0400, Sanjay Kapur wrote:
>Before ordering the phone line (that was finally installed today, the phone 
>company technician was only one hour late today) to my house for 
>computer use, I had tried to get information about ISDN from my phone 
>company (NYNEX) and was sent a glossy brochure and asked to call back the 
>phone company.  The glossy brochure was long on explaining how wonderful 
>ISDN is but short on actual details like how much it costs.  When I called 
>back, I was told that in a few days someone would call me back and to give 
>them a daytime phone number.  I gave the phone company my office number and 
>a few days later I had a message on my voice mail time stamped 6:30pm.  I 
>have not had the oppurtunity to call the "ISDN specialist" back.
>Actually the situation is getting better.  Last year when I tried to get 
>information about ISDN, the residential telephone rep did not know what I 
>was talking about and it took them about half an hour to find anyone in 
>the office that knew that there was something like ISDN.  They then told 
>me to call the Business (rather than residential) representative.  The 
>Business rep also did not know what ISDN was but someone else in the 
>office knew what I was talking about.  After talking to the supervisor 
>I was informed that the local phone exchange that served my house was not 
>equipped for ISDN and will not be for some time but refused to tell me 
>when it would be.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
C.     The Internet Business Division can help your business communications.
 B.   310 Wells Ct                                Hampton, VA 23666-6240 USA
  D.  voice: 804.825.0294  Don Taylor, President      email:
   T.     Helping small business do better with information technology.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

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