Subject: Re: Feminism and Censorship -- Afterthought From: Rex Ballard Date: Wed, 7 Feb 1996 18:24:15 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Feminism and Censorship -- Afterthought From: Rex Ballard Date: Wed, 7 Feb 1996 18:24:15 -0500 (EST)
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Given the nature of the moderation on this newsgroup, you may want to 
consider addressing a more public and carefully observed forum, such as 
alt.feminism, alt.women, or alt.child-support.

Mailing lists are designed for relatively small circulations in the first 
place.  When you have many readers and many posters, it is much better to 
use a newsgroup.

It is true that you can't use CC:Mail to post to newsgroups.  You will 
probably have to get a personal telnet account.  I telnet to digex from 
my workstation after work and post from there.  Dial-up users using 
winvn, pegasus, or eudora can get very good service with minimal pain and 

When "censorship" takes hold, it also reduces the circulation.  People 
want to be able to observe and participate in conflict and resolution.  
News and Mail groups give one the sense that they can make a difference 
in the lives of a few hundred people.  Often, a well conducted 
conversation (I say something, someone responds with flames and 
objections, I ignore (and delete) the flames and respond constructively 
to the suggestions.  At the end of 4 or 5 exchanges of this sort, 
political analysts begin to study the evolving concensus for a potential 
plank or platform for their party or candidate.

	Rex Ballard - Director of Electronic Distribution

From Wed Feb  7 18:34:38 1996