Subject: Burning the Constitution - Re: HR4 - Welfare Reform Bill From: Rex Ballard Date: Wed, 10 Jan 1996 05:25:59 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Burning the Constitution - Re: HR4 - Welfare Reform Bill From: Rex Ballard Date: Wed, 10 Jan 1996 05:25:59 -0500 (EST)
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On Mon, 8 Jan 1996, fathers wrote:

> Thank you Kris for posting this bill.  You have provided the most 
> effective analysis of this to date.  And it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to find 
> the allegedly "father friendly" portions of this bill.  WHAT is the story?
> On Mon, 8 Jan 1996 wrote:
> > In a message dated 96-01-07 15:24:22 EST, (Fathers HOTLINE)
> > writes:
> > 
> > >If your readers would care to read the bill closely they might find that 
> > >HR 4 takes the Federal government out of many families' lives (placing 
> > >welfare back in the hands of the states where fathers can make a better 
> > >argument for custody), provides visitation enforcement money for every
> > state, and opens the parent locator to noncustodial parents.

What I see is a federally coordinated effort to circumvent the 
constitution as quickly and effectively as possible.

You need to PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT -if you expect to be able to vote in 
the primaries and the next election.  Else you may never have the right 
to vote again.

By making fathers criminals, they eliminate the inconvenience of trials.

> > IMO, every noncustodial father supporting this bill would be cutting his own
> > throat.
> > Would you care to provide the basis (documentation) for your statements.
> > 
> > >From the House of Representatives internet site:
> > BILL NO:           H.R. 4
> > 
> > OFFICIAL TITLE:    A bill to restore the American family, reduce
> > illegitimacy, control welfare spending and reduce  welfare dependence
> > 
> > SPONSOR:  Shaw, Talent, LaTourette.
> > 
> > DATE INTRODUCED:   01-04-95
> > 
> > BRIEF TITLE:       Personal Responsibility Act of 1995
> > 
> > 
> > Title IX: Child Support  -  Subtitle A: Eligibility for
> > Services; Distribution of Payments  - Amends part D (Child
> > Support and Establishment of Paternity) of SSA title IV to
> > require State plans for child and spousal support to provide: (1)
> > certain services relating to paternity establishment or
> > enforcement of child support obligations; and (2) continuation of
> > services for families ceasing to receive assistance under Aid to
> > Families with Dependent Children.
> > 
> >     (Sec. 902) Revises payment distribution guidelines for
> > support obligations collected by the State on behalf of a family.
> > 
> >     (Sec. 903) Requires State plans to establish procedural
> > guidelines for: (1) notification of all proceedings and orders
> > affecting child support obligations; and (2) privacy safeguards
> > regarding paternity and child support actions.

This automatically and immediately elevates all support proceedings to 
the level of federal criminal law.  The result of a civil proceeding is 
automatically placed under the jurisdiction of the federal government.

> >      Subtitle B: Locate and Case Tracking  - Mandates that single
> > statewide automated data systems include a State case registry
> > containing records of: (1) each case in which services are
> > provided by the State agency; and (2) each support order
> > established on or after a specified date. Permits the linking of
> > local registries.

This revoke an NCPs right to privacy.  In addition, it can be used to 
force a man's wife to incriminate her husband.

> >     (Sec. 912) Requires State plans to include a centralized,
> > automated unit for the collection and disbursement of support
> > payments.

I thought the Republicans were adovcating the decentralization of 
government.  It looks to me like they have just put the entire collection 
and support under government control.

> >     (Sec. 913) Requires State plans to: (1) provide for a State-operated
> > State Directory of New Hires containing prescribed information furnished by
> > employers on new personnel; and (2)transmit such information to the National
> > Directory of New Hires.

Let's revoke the right to privacy again.

> >     (Sec. 914) Requires States to have statutorily prescribed procedures:
> > (1) for mandatory income withholding for support payments subject to
> > enforcement; and (2) under which child
> > support orders issued before October 1, 1996, shall become
> > subject to withholding from wages if arrearages occur, without
> > the need for a judicial or administrative hearing. Revises the
> > procedural guidelines for income withholding for child support
> > enforcement.

In other words, if a man misses even one child support payment, the state 
and federal governement have the right to collect it automatically - like 
federal witholding and FICA.  Another 20% right off the top.  What 
guarantee do I get that the kids will ever see more than 1/2 of what I 

> >     (Sec. 915) Requires the States to have statutorily prescribed
> > procedures to ensure that Federal and State agencies conducting
> > income-withholding activities have access to State locator
> > systems for motor vehicle or law enforcement purposes.

More search and seizure without warrants.  More self-incrimination.  More
self-destruction.  Cute, you can get a driver's license but you will go 
to jail if you try.

> >     (Sec. 916) Revises the Federal Parent Locator Service to
> > provide for additional information which may be transmitted to
> > locate individuals and assets for purposes of: (1) establishing
> > parentage; (2) executing child support obligations; and (3)
> > enforcing visitation orders.

Now we can use computers and medical records to prove paternity.  They 
have the right to search my assets (search and siezure without warrants).
When will the Microsoft Money or Quicken Program just start dumping my 
accounts directly into the federal coffers?

> >     (Sec. 917) Requires States to have statutorily prescribed procedures
> > requiring recordation on such documents of the Social
> > Security number of: (1) specified driver's, marriage, and
> > occupational, and professional license applicants; (2)
> > individuals subject to certain domestic relations orders; and (3)
> > death records.

After all the trouble they went to to keep states from using social 
security numbers (because it constituted a potential invasion of 
privacy), they are no mandating that everything have the SS number on it.

> >      Subtitle C: Streamlining and Uniformity of Procedures  -
> > Requires each State to have the Uniform Interstate Family Support
> > Act in effect as of January 1, 1997. Amends the Federal judicial
> > code to revise the procedures for the court to apply when
> > determining which State order to recognize for purposes of
> > continuing, exclusive jurisdiction and enforcement for child support orders.

In other words, if N.Y. State thinks fathers should pay 40% if their 
pre-tax income, I could be forced to pay that amount to my ex in Colorado 
(where the cost of living is 1/4 what it is in New York).

> >     (Sec. 923) Requires the States to have statutorily prescribed
> > procedures requiring: (1) expedited administrative enforcement in
> > interstate cases and support orders; and (2)
> > expedited administrative and judicial procedures for establishing paternity
> > and enforcing support obligations.

Expeidite - is that another word for "forget the constitution, let's just 
pick his pocket now".

> >      Subtitle D: Paternity Establishment  - Revises the
> > guidelines for State laws governing paternity establishment.
> > Requires State procedures under which the name of the father
> > shall be included on the birth certificate only: (1) if the
> > mother and father have signed a voluntary acknowledgement of
> > paternity; or (2) pursuant to a judicial or administrative order.

Hey, at least they didn't require every man to submit to a compulsery 
blood test for possible paternaty matches.  It might be interesting to 
discover I fathered children of women I've never even met.

> >     (Sec. 933) Requires State plans for child and spousal support
> > to provide that the State agency administering the plan will make
> > a determination as to whether a program recipient is cooperating
> > in good faith with State efforts to establish paternity and
> > secure support.

In other words, if she doesn't turn you in, she can starve.  As can the 
children.  This is really acting in the best interests of the children.

> >      Subtitle E: Program Administration and Funding  - Revises
> > the guidelines for Federal performance-based incentive payments
> > to the States for effective child support enforcement programs.

This looks a bit like "Bounty Hunting" to me.  If a state collects more 
child support it gets a bigger bounty.  Of course, the more it can 
eliminate annoying little expenses like "due process hearings", the more 
it will get.  Why not get pay private citizens some of the "bounty".  
Private citizens don't have to fret about those silly "constitutional 

> >     (Sec. 942) Requires a State plan for child and spousal
> > support to include prescribed procedures for State reviews and
> > audits. Revises the guidelines for Federal evaluation and audit
> > of State programs governing paternity, child and spousal support,
> > and parent location.

In other words, if the state doesn't get enough "direct enforcement 
money" they loose funding through "incentive programs".

> >     (Sec. 944) Revises the automated data processing requirements
> > for State plans to mandate a single statewide automated data
> > processing and information retrieval system which can perform
> > specified tasks.

This makes sure that Uncle Sam can search all 50 states at the same time.

> >     (Sec. 945) Makes funds available to the Secretary for: (1)
> > training of Federal and State staff, research and demonstration
> > programs, and special projects of regional and national
> > significance; and (2) operation of the Federal Parent Locator
> > Service.
> > 
> >      Subtitle F: Establishment and Modification of Support
> > Orders  - Establishes the National Child Support Guidelines
> > Commission to determine the need for consideration by the
> > Congress of national child support guidelines.

In other words, it doesn't matter what you and your spouse agreed to at 
the time of the divorce, the Feds can demand MORE.  Sounds like an 
ex-post-facto law to me.

> >     (Sec. 952) Revises the requirements for State plan procedures
> > for the review and adjustment of support orders.

Even if Congress doesn't want more, the States can automatically raise 
your level, and they don't even have to tell you (guaranteed to put you 
in arrears).

> >     (Sec. 953) Amends the Fair Credit Reporting Act to authorize
> > a consumer agency to furnish a consumer report: (1) in response
> > to a request by a governmental child support enforcement agency;or (2) to
> > the State administrative agency which sets child support awards.

Good, now you get your choice.  You can get poor credit (by reporting 
what you actually make) or no credit (by letting the government take 
whatever you have left).

> >     (Sec. 954) Shields a depository institution from Federal or
> > State liability for disclosing any financial record of an
> > individual to a State child support enforcement agency. Prohibits
> > such agency from disclosing such a financial record except for
> > the purpose of, and to the extent necessary in, establishing,
> > modifying, or enforcing a child support obligation. Sets forth
> > civil penalties for any person knowingly or negligently violating
> > such prohibition.

The State and Federal government can steal the money right out of your 
bank account.  They can now trigger a DSS audit as easily as they can 
trigger an IRS audit.  Every middle-class father's dream of paradise.

> >      Subtitle G: Enforcement of Support Orders  - Amends Internal
> > Reveue Code procedural guidelines for the collection of
> > arrearages to provide that no additional fee may be assessed for
> > adjustments to a previously certified amount.

That's reassuring.  They can raise my child support without any sort of 
hearing, but they can't charge me a penalty.  How comforting.

> >     (Sec. 962) Amends part D (Child Support and Establishment of
> > Paternity) of SSA title IV to revise procedural guidelines for:
> > (1) consent by the United States to income withholding,
> > garnishment, and similar proceedings for enforcement of child
> > support and alimony obligations of current and retired Federal
> > employees; and (2) enforcement of child support obligations of
> > members of the Armed Forces.

Great, these poor shmucks make 1% more than the poverty line already, and 
now they are going to get the priviledge of paying child support - 
without full "Due Process of Law".

> >     (Sec. 964) Requires a State plan for child and spousal
> > support to have in effect the Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act
> > of 1981, the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act of 1984, or a
> > similar law, as well as certain procedures governing the voiding
> > of fraudulent transfers by a child support debtor.

God forbid you should want to retire.  Taking the money out of your 401K 
could result in a fraudulent transfer if you owe any back child support.
Does this mean that Newt Gingrich would have to pay back child support 
based on the newly established minimums?

> >     (Sec. 965) Requires a State plan for child and spousal
> > support to include specified procedures:
> >  (1) to ensure that
> > persons owing past-due support work or participate in work
> > activities the court deems appropriate;

New little present for missing that child support.  The court can force 
you into slavery.

> > (2) to report to credit
> > bureaus the name of the parent in arrears for child support;

The court can force the bank to reposess your car and home.

> (3) to provide for liens against real and personal property for the
> > support arrearages of an absent parent; and

You can't even sell it yourself and try to get a fair price.  The house 
goes up for "Government Auction".  The only bidders will be the in-laws 
of congressmen.  That house that you financed for $100,000 - ought to go 
for about $35,000.

> > (4) to implement the
> > restriction of driver's, professional, occupational, and
> > recreational licenses of individuals owing support arrearages.

You didn't need to drive to work did you?  Not a problem if you live in 
the Bronx of NY.  Could be a BIG problem if you are working in one of 
those thousands of industrial parks - located 20 miles from the nearest 
residential housing or mass-transit.

You might be able to get a new job, in the city, at substantially lower 
pay.  The congresman's brother-in-law could use someone like you 
(especially if he can get you at bargain basement rates).

> >     (Sec. 970) Requires the Secretary of State to deny, revoke,
> > or limit a passport upon certification of nonpayment of child
> > support.

There goes a number of career opportunities.  Most major corporations 
require international travel.  How are you going to maintain that 6 
figure income if you can't leave the country to close the big deals with 
international customers.

> >     (Sec. 971) Authorizes the Secretary of State to negotiate
> > reciprocal agreements with foreign nations: (1) regarding
> > international enforcement of child support obligations; and (2)
> > designating the Department of Health and Human Services as the
> > central authority for such enforcement.

More fun!  There is no place in the world where you can be free.  The 
guys from DHHS can kidnap you from anywhere in the world and force you to 
work until you are to old to think about retiring.

Want to start your own business, forget it.  You are now a SLAVE of the 
Department of Health and Human Services.

> >     (Sec. 972) Denies means-tested Federal benefits to a
> > non-custodial parent who is more than two months delinquent in
> > paying child support.

Thought you might be able to go back to college.  NOT!  Have to keep you 
in that slave collar.  Don't want to give you Ideas about being "free".

> >     (Sec. 973) Requires a State plan for child and spousal
> > support to provide that such State will make reasonable efforts
> > to enter into cooperative agreements with an Indian tribe or
> > tribal organization having an established tribal court system
> > with child support enforcement powers for the cooperative
> > deLivery of child support enforcement services.

Don't worry about child support to Mama if she's an Indian (Native 
American).  Your child support will fund the reservation's tax-free 
cigarrette inventory.

> >     Authorizes the Secretary to make direct payments, analogous
> > to payments to a State plan for spousal and child support, to an
> > Indian tribe or tribal organization with an approved child
> > support enforcement plan.

Doesn't matter who gets the money.  The mother won't.  If she's lucky, 
she'll get half.

> >     (Sec. 974) Requires States to have statutorily prescribed
> > procedures under which a State agency shall enter into agreements
> > with financial institutions doing business within the State to
> > develop and operate a data match system to provide identifying
> > information for each absent parent targeted by the State who
> > maintains an account at the institution, and to encumber such
> > parent's assets at the institution pursuant to a lien or levy.

Wanted a bank, credit card, checking account, savings account, or 
share/draft account?  Too Bad.  Whatever you put in will be coming out.

> >      Subtitle H: Medical Support  - Amends the Employee
> > Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) to include within
> > the definition of medical child support order an order issued
> > through a State administrative process.

Remember that HMO you were paying for under the "Family Plan" using 
pre-tax dollars.  You now have to pay the same amount directly to ERISA 
using after-tax dollars.

> >     (Sec. 976) Amends part D of SSA title IV to mandate
> > statutorily prescribed procedures under which all enforced child
> > support orders shall include a provision for the health care
> > coverage of the child.

That little gouging of 50% of your after-tax income just went up to about 
75% of your after tax income.  Know any place where you can get a 
"Cardboard apartment"?

> >     (Sec. 977) Requires States to have statutorily prescribed
> > procedures under which child support orders relating to the child
> > of minor parents, where the mother is receiving assistance, are
> > enforceable against the child's paternal grandparents

Your dad took early retirement, just turned 65, and were looking forward 
to enjoying their pension.  Uncle Sam won't be sending them anything 
until you are "paid up".  Your parents can eat "cat food".

> >      Subtitle I: Enhancing Responsibility and Opportunity for
> > Nonresidential Parents  - Amends part D of SSA title IV to
> > prescribe guidelines under which the Administration for Children
> > and Families shall make grants to enable States to establish and
> > administer access and visitation programs to facilitate absent
> > parents' access to their children.

Oh WOW, they can reserve a prison cell for me so that my kids can come 
and visit me at "The greybar hotel"  I'm sure they will be looking 
forward to their second visit.

> >      Subtitle J: Effect of Enactment  - Sets forth effective
> > dates for the provisions of this title.

How many days of freedom (paying child support directly to my ex-wife) do 
I have left before that nice beaurocracy starts collecting more from me 
and paying less to her.

Don't forget to thank the nice man for the sucker.

	Rex Ballard - Director of Electronic Distribution

From Wed Jan 10 06:02:03 1996
Newsgroups: alt.abortion.inequity,talk.abortion,,alt.child-support,alt.feminism