Subject: Re: If you don't use NetScape... :-( From: R Ballard Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 03:43:14 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: If you don't use NetScape... :-( From: R Ballard Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 03:43:14 -0400 (EDT)
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On Thu, 4 May 1995, Ivan Pope wrote:

> >R Ballard  wrote:
> >
> >Marketing people need to be aware that when they use unique proprietary
> >features, they lose 80% of their potential WEB market.  It's a choice
> >they need to make responsibly.

> I'd be interested to know where you get the figure of 80% from. I assume
> you mean 80% of users aren't using Netscape. From various sources I think
> it's more like 80% _are_ using Netscape, so you'd lose 20%.
> Ivan

Prodigy users (1-2 million) don't use netscape.  Compuserve users (2-3 
million) won't be using netscape.  AOL users (2 million) won't be using 
netscape.  Pipeline/PSI/MCI (1 million) users won't be using NetScape, 
Netcom users (<1million) won't be using netscape.  

Many people have downloaded NetScape, but how many have paid for it?

It's your $25,000 for the netscape server, if you want - go for it.

> Webmedia - an Internet production powerhouse

This is what I got when I connected to your URL:

Error code 500

Connection Error

InterLock could not connect to server on port 80

Reason: A route to the remote host is not available.

	Rex Ballard

From Mon May  8 03:54:47 1995