Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 03:02:21 -0400 (EDT)
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On Tue, 18 Apr 1995, ABrist wrote:
> I have kind of been reading all the stuff on the e-mail advertising and i
> had a few thoughts i was wondering about.
> Do you consider e-mail similar to postal mail? Because everyone
> recieves alot of junk mail. What would be wrong with letting them send
> there junk by way of e-mail so i could just delete it, instead of all the
> waste their mail creates.
When Junk Mail is sent, it comes from local merchants and is focused by
zip-code. I get a very different kind of junk-mail in Jersey City than I
would in Princeton or Manhattan. The Ideal mass-mailing would have every
item sent going to a reader who would go "Oh wow, I've been looking for
one of those, I can wait to go inside and call". In snail-mail, that is
a fantasy, a pipe-dream. In E-Mail, it can be a reality. This E-Mail
list generates 1000 postings/week. Most of it is stuff I want to read
(even if I have to stay up all night to do it). The same is true with
newsgroups, and web pages. There are even databases for keeping track of
the massive quantities of information flowing through. There are even
data bases just to keep track of what the different groups are.
> But i do believe if these people are going to
> be using the internet for personal gain they better be putting something
> back into the net.
Actually, this article in alt.personals would be worse than annoying, it
would probably result in the type of mail that chokes mail-servers.
Conversely me describing the Ideal Woman, or the Ideal Date, would be
inappropriate for this group.
> I know deleting msgs is a pain just like being on
> lists after a while you just start deleting most of it instead of reading
> it, but dont most people just toss their junk mail in the trash before
> they even get out of the post office?
I do not toss junk mail. Often what looks like junk mail turns out to be
a work request from one of my feed customers, or an e-mail from someone
at Landmark, or a response to something I have written.
> Just wondering.
> *------ A.H.B.------*
I notice from your login that you're a student. Do you sort through your
junk mail to find the bills, checks, and legal notices or just throw it
all in the trash. I've been using e-mail as standard practice since 1983.
Rex Ballard
Project Director of Distribution
Real-Time Products
Standard & Poor's
A division of McGraw-Hill
Project Manager of Alternate Distribution
Dow Jones & Co. Inc.
(Is that enough of a signature Steve)
From Tue Apr 25 03:07:46 1995
Status: O