Subject: Re: Advertising placement -- Microsoft From: R Ballard Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 12:35:30 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Advertising placement -- Microsoft From: R Ballard Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 12:35:30 -0400 (EDT)
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On Tue, 11 Apr 1995, Kit Spence wrote:
> At 10:28 PM 10/04/95, R Ballard wrote:
> >On Mon, 10 Apr 1995, Adam Gaffin wrote:
> >> >>> wrote:
> >> "We are Microsoft.  Resistance is futile.  Prepare to be assimilated."
> >
> >Spoken in Dalik Monotone?  Isn't that Exterminated? :-).
> >> Adam Gaffin
> >        Rex Ballard
> Rex, Rex, this is the modern age!  The Darlek exterminated.  The Borg
> assimilate!
> Kit
Thank you for the explanation!  At least the resistance is of the same 
mind :-).

	Rex Ballard

From Tue Apr 18 13:00:30 1995
Status: O