Subject: Re: Note from Carole From: Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 14:34:12 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Note from Carole From: Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 14:34:12 EDT
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In a message dated 98-08-19 08:41:54 EDT, writes:

>	It's possible that if we do disempowering things / say
>things; that automatically kicks us out of the fifth field.  If we
>insult, or intentionally 
>hurt, or use foul language, or judge, or condemn, ...


If we truely have a Fifth field accessible to us, and that we are aware of,
anything that brings us to prior fields (as the one and only field or fields)
will be a reduction in power...if by power we mean power to be
accountable...This may be thought of "disempowering"....However, if there is
such a field as the "5th Field", it simply exists... embracing and being
supported by the other fields...There may be no such thting as insulting,
hurting, judging or condemning in this field if indeed it's distinction is
"Empowerment"....If "disempowerment" occurs...we are not 5th field you said "kicks us out'...but we were never in in the first

I believe, each field and successive fields unfold based upon an "empowerment"
, and  the power to be accountable that that field represents...There is an
accountabliity in each field...But the accountability shifts, transforms as
the each field transforms to allow for a new expression of
Being...specifically Being Related...and in a paradoxical and not
contradictory manner being Related is a reflection of Not- the
"edge of language" there is a Not-Being...a Silence as Larry calls it...and
when we come to that edge all we can "see" is our reflection when we look
towards the field and silence when we look away...and when that reflection is
complete; the field is complete and embraced by Silence, a new edge bursts
forth in a non-linear manner....and a new language is invented that begins the
process of exploration again....that new language is in itself not the meer
utterances, but the Intention of that Embrace....and this is first known by,
or better said conveyed by, Immediate Language...which acts as an Avante Garde
of exploration...until it reaches its embracing Silence...

So, there is something akin between Reflection and Empowerment....and you may
be pointing to the lack of reflection in an insult or a hurt or a
judgement...And, that, a lack of reflection,  is a fundamental breakdown in
accountability....and consequently power....


From Wed Aug 19 14:56:08 1998
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