Subject: Web Wait Browser Info for your From: Karen Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 20:58:30 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Web Wait Browser Info for your From: Karen Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 20:58:30 -0400
Reply-To: Karen 
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Status: O

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Dear List
Here are some interesting links that I have collected over time... they are
suggestions from others.
BTW check out my site:
Guavaberry Books and Diversity University Collaboratory Serve

If you have more questions don't hesitate to contact me, hope these will be

Karen Ellis

                  Karen Ellis 

       --- Integrate Literacy, Music, and Technology into the Classroom---
  Guavaberry Books 
"Domino" 60 Traditional Children's Songs, Games, Proverbs, and Culture
   from the American Virgin Islands and 45 minute Live Sound Field Cassette

                Subscribe to Diversity University Collaboratory
Browser Info

Info on Browserola -- I think I spelled it right.
 would be the place!!!
check out
or  It's a downloadable browser emulator.

Also neat:  and 
for good feedback about your site.

Another resource 
The key is the "browser ID string" that you enter. If you click on that
link, you'll go to an unbelievable list of every possible browser you can
imagine. Even homemade ones. The string that appears in the window is the
identifier of the browser you're currently using, so you dont' want that.
You want to go to that page and find the browser, such as...
Mozilla/0.9 Beta (X11; U; i386)Mozilla/0.9 beta (X11; SunOS 4.1.1 sun4)
That's the 0.9 Beta of Netscape, from way back when, I believe. Then you
highlight, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V (or Command) into that text field, and
voila! There's your page. You can nav the site too, I think.
 for info. on browsers in general
Communicator 4.5 preview release available review of the Mac version at
with snapshots. And, release notes at

Assistive Media: New Media Helps Visually
Impaired hear the stuff over the internet. David Erdody is using RealAudio
technology on his AssistiveMedia Web site to make magazine articles
available in audio form so that people with visual impairments can have
access to a wider range of media.

it take to download that 10 megabyte file over your modem? Intel provides
the answer via this handy, graphical download calculator.Simply enter the
kilobyte, megabyte, or gigabyte size of the file you're downloading, and
the calculator will tell you how long it'll take to download it via a 14.4,
28.8, 33.6, or 56.7 modem, or an ISDN or dedicated (T-1) circuit. Simple
and straightforward, this is a site no modem user can do without!

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