Subject: HotFlash - Ad Fab! From: HotFlash Date: Sat, 08 Aug 1998 00:15:00 -800
How the Web Was Won
Subject: HotFlash - Ad Fab! From: HotFlash Date: Sat, 08 Aug 1998 00:15:00 -800
Status: O

H o t F l a s h
your weekly HotWired lowdown
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
9 August 1998

If the "back to school" sales are any indication, it looks as though
we're swiftly approaching the end of another summer. Ah summer! Remember
when that actually meant something? Tans, beaches, bad daytime
television. But now that school's out forEVER, summer just means the
South Park grass isn't too wet to sit on while you scarf down a burrito
in five minutes flat and then scuttle back to work. Ah, the things we
give up for money! Speaking of which, this week on HotWired, learn how
to rake in the cash by putting ads up on your site. Click through today! presents the Palm Pilot - the world's best-selling hand-held
at-your-finger-tips PC date and address book, to-do list, calculator,
and more - Satisfaction guaranteed: 30-day, no-questions-asked returns -
Unbeatable Price: only $179.00

N E W  O N  H O T W I R E D
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- - > Webmonkey / Crash Course in Serving Ads on Your Site

Deciding how to serve ads to your site can be mystifying at best. In-house
ad guru Caryl dishes up this five-part course that covers everything you
need to know about serving ads, whether you are an independent small-fry or
a megasite with your very own ad, art, and engineering departments.

- - > Synapse

In Part II of Katz's examination of Tom Beaudoin's new book, "Virtual
Faith," we take a look at whether religion can ever give up its "we
talk, you listen" dogma to become interactive, exchanging information
and power rather than dispensing it.

Coming Tuesday: Some folks feel that the explicit sex and violence on TV
isn't meant for the eyes and ears of babes. The V-chip promises to
filter out television's unsavory elements, but what does it really
block? And why? Katz takes a look.

- - > Member Central / Geek of the Week: Jeffrey

You got your ears on? Well, this CB-radioing Vermontian does - along
with his computer, his Roller Blades, and the Cartoon Network.

- - > Cocktail / El Diablo

This devilish, tequila-based number may come from unknown origins (San
Francisco? Los Angeles? Merida?), but I know where it's going.

O N - G O I N G
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- - > RGB Gallery / location, location, location

RGB's very first group show tackles the slippery meaning of "you are
here" on the Web. "My Place" gives you a peek into the minds of the
children of a remote, rural area of Northern California. "Hotel" uses
the memories of its creators to take us from Minnesota to Vietnam to
Hamburg. And }}}destinATiON{{{ explores the concept of travel on the Web
(a place with no distances).

- - > Web 101 / Web Glossary

Sometimes the Net can seem like a dense forest of jargon - take one step
off the beaten path, and you're lost. Fortunately, Web 101 has created a
trail of bread crumbs for you to follow: the Web Glossary.

- - > Wired News

Get breaking news and insiders' insights on the digital world, reported up
to the minute.

Now you can get Wired News' latest updates broadcast directly to your
desktop. With PointCast, you'll also receive business news from
publications like "The Wall Street Journal" and CNN, plus stock quotes
and more.

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

Must you leave so soon?

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From Sat Aug  8 04:42:26 1998
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