Subject: I am empowered by everything I say and do.I am empowered by everything yI am emp From: Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 21:12:22 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: I am empowered by everything I say and do.I am empowered by everything yI am emp From: Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 21:12:22 EDT
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Ina here:

Hello everyone.  Haven't meant to be hiding out, but been feeling quite quiet
lately.  My son returns from Prague Aug 1st so I've spent several days home
alone in the quiet, meditating.  Course having my phone down for two days
helped the quiet along a lot way!

As the subejct says " I am empowered by everything I say and do."  This is not
meant to be a lesson in hubris.  Au contraire.  It's a new stand I'm
exploring.  What if I am empowered by everything I say and do - in other
words, grant myself the same grace I am granting others.  How would the world
alter if all of us did that?  I know we're all still grapling with the
distinctions from the last weekend, but hell, why not invent while grapling.
You may still get it eventually, and if not what the hey....worm farms you
know.  And the worms do NOT care what your IQ or bra size was!

So, I've been thinking about something I tell my students that most of their
intrapersonal (self to self) communication is not appropriate and if they
heard someone say to their best friend what they say to themselves, that
they'd deck the other person.

So I'm doing an experiment.  Yesterday I was driving to a customer's and I
went in the totally wrong direction ( went toward one of his places of
business instead of the other).  And instead of hearing my calling myself one
of those names, I heard myself saying what I would have said to the children
"Silly lumpkin, you're going the wrong way."  And I heard myself!  And was
quite surprised!  Hmm.  Don't tell me the prof is actually practicing what she

The serenity is still here.  Don't know where it came from (other than out of
the last weekend), but I'm not complaining.  My magick seems to flow better
also.  It's almost as if I think of a customer and s/he calls with work for us
to do.  Almost uncanny.  And everything I want people to do (almost) seems to
be happening without my asking.  It's something I've heard of called a
"seamless" life.  And I'm waiting for the return of the roller coaster!  Hmm.

So, what about you?  Are you willing to take on being empowered by everything
YOU say and do?

Here'e the three questions in intrapersonal communication a la Ina.

What language am I speaking?  The lingua of empowerment
To whom am I speaking?  A child of G-d
For what am I speaking?  Life unimaginable.

love and kisses,

From Thu Jul 23 22:57:50 1998
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