Subject: HotFlash - The New Web Order From: HotFlash Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 00:15:00 -800
How the Web Was Won
Subject: HotFlash - The New Web Order From: HotFlash Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 00:15:00 -800
Status: O

H o t F l a s h
your weekly HotWired lowdown
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19 July 1998

Things are too darn hot hot hot here in scenic SF - it's over 100
degrees! But even though everyone here at hot HotWired HQ is sluggish
and parched (I'm on my second Dr. Pepper and it's not even noon!), we
have risen (like the heat) to the occasion, rustling up new things for
you to read and click - perhaps because it feels as though a fire has
been lit under our butts. Literally.

 Got the summer doldrums?  Check out the hottest books
from  spice up your sex life, find great beach
reading, learn  Latino cooking, or just figure out Windows 98.  Our
selection can't be beat,  most books are shipped within 24 hours, and
the deep discounts are amazing.

N E W  O N  H O T W I R E D
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- - > Webmonkey / Information Architecture

One of the beauties, and the curses, of the Web is that it has no
boundaries - you can add on to your site and add on to the add-ons,
until the cows fly. If you want people to actually navigate your site,
however, think before you build. This 5-day tutorial shows you how to
reign in that urge to sprawl.

- - > Synapse

As the premiere issue of "Brill's Content" takes on Kenneth Starr, Katz
wonders who, or what, the magazine's really gunning for. (Dark Starr's
ethics? Or Washington journalism in its entirety?)

Coming Tuesday: Tina Brown has deserted the sinking ship "New Yorker"
and sashayed over to Disney's Miramax Films to launch a "synergistic"
media company. "Time," "Newsweek," and "The New York Times" all gush
over this "bold and brilliant" move, but Katz is a trifle less effusive.

- - > Member Central / Geek of the Week: Howard

This network security analyst has what he considers a "positive
addiction to the computer" and relaxes over interesting algorithms -
yep, he's a geek. Bless 'im!

- - > Cocktail / Daiquiri

Some may write the Daiquiri off as a "chick drink" or an alcoholic
Slurpee, but nothing beats the heat like this cool, fruity libation out
of Cuba.

O N - G O I N G
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- - > RGB Gallery / location, location, location

RGB's very first group show tackles the slippery meaning of "you are
here" on the Web. "My Place" gives you a peek into the minds of the
children of a remote, rural area of Northern California. "Hotel" uses
the memories of its creators to take us from Minnesota to Vietnam to
Hamburg. And }}}destinATiON{{{ explores the concept of travel on the Web
(a place with no distances).

- - > Web 101 / Web Glossary

Sometimes the Net can seem like a dense forest of jargon - take one step
off the beaten path, and you're lost. Fortunately, Web 101 has created a
trail of bread crumbs for you to follow: the Web Glossary.

- - > Wired News

Get breaking news and insiders' insights on the digital world, reported
up to the minute.

Now you can get Wired News' latest updates broadcast directly to your
desktop. With PointCast, you'll also receive business news from
publications like "The Wall Street Journal" and CNN, plus stock quotes
and more.

F O R G O T  Y O U R  P A S S W O R D ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

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read PASSWORD, and include a one-sentence note with your name, email
address, and membername (if you remember it).

Or you can call our toll-free support services number: +1 (888) 276 8777.
Please have your email address ready.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

Can't stand the heat? Then get out of the kitchen.

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From Sat Jul 18 10:38:07 1998
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Subject: "Ludicrous" today, e-commerce tomorrow From: HotFlash Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 00:15:00 -800
How the Web Was Won
Subject: "Ludicrous" today, e-commerce tomorrow From: HotFlash Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 00:15:00 -800