Subject: Re: Adobe Acrobat From: John VanPelt Date: Tue, 25 Oct 1994 21:16:56 +0059 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Adobe Acrobat From: John VanPelt Date: Tue, 25 Oct 1994 21:16:56 +0059 (EDT)
To: Rex Ballard 
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 RE: your reply to Mark Loundy::: you forgot the FLAME ON/FLAME OFF 
marker :)

 That was wonderful.


 Also, re: our earlier exchange on net freedoms and editing alt.* 
threads, etc.: I agree with your, views, I think... I had only been 
responding to the original poster's comment specifically about political 
bias, the voice(s) of the anti-establishment, and *certain* alternative 
culture boards or groups. I don't know much about how such voices are 
regulated within certain markets, on certain servers, or what-have-you. 
That they are regulated at all (beyond the obvious sys.admin traffic 
control) does seem to raise questions about national freedoms....
 I don't know, maybe I've lost the thread of this. I know the Internet is 
terrifically free presently. I seem to be able to access and participate 
in just about any topic under the sun...and if those don't suit me, I 
could start one myself: alt.bald.dutch.ancestry.anti.badthings. 

   = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
   John Van Pelt       { S T A N D A R D   D I S C L A I M E R } 
   Christian Science Monitor  	
   1 Norway St., Boston, MA
   617-450-2361 V
   617-450-7575 F

From jvncnet!!bskeet Mon Nov  7 14:12:30 1994
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To: dowjone!rexb (Rex Ballard)