Subject: DowVision Client/Server Tools From: (Rex Ballard) Date: Wed, 20 Jul 94 09:37:19 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: DowVision Client/Server Tools From: (Rex Ballard) Date: Wed, 20 Jul 94 09:37:19 EDT
Content-Type: X-sun-attachment

X-Sun-Data-Type: text
X-Sun-Data-Description: text
X-Sun-Data-Name: text
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 1

Attached is the parameters for the sun X.25 driver (sunlink)
X-Sun-Data-Type: default-app
X-Sun-Data-Description: default
X-Sun-Data-Name: x25params
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 159

# To change a specific parameter, first look for the the parameter
# name in the comments (starting with '#'), then modify the value at the
# beginning of the line.
0		#int     linkid;  A non-negative integer less than the
		#		  total number of links.  There should
		#		  always be alink 0, as this is used as
		#		  the default link.
1		#int     on;	  0 or 1.  0 will cause the link to be
		#		  deactivated, and 1 will cause it to
		#		  be activated.
3000            #ushort  hp_t1;   T1 - retransmission timer (msec)
300             #ushort  hp_t2;   T2 - max delay before ACK (msec)
10000           #ushort  hp_t3;   T3 - max idle link time (msec) 
500             #ushort  hp_tick; resolution of timer (tick)
135            	#ushort  hp_n1;   N1 - max frame size - bytes
3               #u_char  hp_n2;   N2 - max retries of T1 
0               #u_char  hp_xcntl;extended control - mod 128
2               #u_char  hp_k;    K - window size
3               #u_char  hp_addr; address - 3 for DTE, 1 for DCE
		#        when connecting two SunLink X.25 stations together
		#        without a PDN, you must specify one station to be
		#	 DTE (i.e. 3) and the other one to be DCE (i.e. 1)
	#Packet Level: L3_PARAM 3999-00120423
3999-00210124	#host_address; includes DNIC (Data Network Identification
		#      Code), NTN (Network Terminal Number), and
		#      subaddress (if it is part of host address).
		#      This host address is up to 14 digits long.
		#      The DNIC, NTN, and subaddress must be separated
		#      with hyphens.  The subaddress is optional - if
		#      specified, it is used as the default subaddress
		#      wherever applicable.  The full address of the
		#      terminal (DNIC and NTN) must always be specified.
		#      The portion of it that gets sent as the calling
		#      address in a call request can be controlled by
		#      the setting of the src_opt parameter (see below).
		#      If src_opt is set to 2 (meaning send only subaddress
		#      for the calling address), and a subaddress is not
		#      specified here, a null address will be sent.
		#      When connecting to Transpac, 'null' may be sent
		#      in this way.
8               #u_char  packet_sequence;
                #      modulo sequence of level 3. suggested= 8
                #      8, 128 ( in decimal )
2               #u_char  default_wndsize;
                #      default window size for all virtual circuits
                #      suggested= 2
                #      1 ~ 7   if packet_sequence= 8
                #      1 ~ 127 if packet_sequence= 128
                #      ( in decimal )
10              #u_char    default_thruput;
                #     default throughput for all virtual circuits
                #     suggested= 10 ( 9600 bps )
                #     3= 75    8= 2400
                #     4= 150   9= 4800
                #     5= 300  10= 9600
                #     6= 600  11= 19200
                #     7= 1200 12= 48000
                #     ( bps in decimal )
128             #ushort   default_pktsize;
                #     default packet size
                #     suggested value= 128
                #     16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024
1               #ushort  lic;  lowest  one-way incoming lcn. suggested= 512
1               #ushort  hic;  highest one-way incoming lcn. suggested= 512
1               #ushort  ltc;  lowest  two-way lcn. suggested= 512
30              #ushort  htc;  highest two-way lcn. suggested= 575
30		#ushort  loc;  lowest  one-way outgoing lcn. suggested= 575
30              #ushort  hoc;  highest one-way outgoing lcn. suggested= 575
                #    4095 >= hoc >= loc >= htc >= ltc >= hic >= lic >= 1
                #    ( in decimal )
180             #u_char  t0;  timeout limit after sending RESET REQUEST
                #    packet. suggested= 180 ( seconds )
200             #u_char  t1;  timeout limit after sending CALL REQUEST
                #    packet. suggested= 200 ( seconds )
180             #u_char  t2;  timeout limit after sending RESTART REQUEST
                #    packet. suggested= 180 ( seconds )
180             #u_char  t3;  timeout limit after sending CLEAR REQUEST
                #    packet. suggested= 180 ( seconds )
                #    1 ~ 255 ( seconds in decimal ) for above four fields
3               #u_char  t0_retries;
1               #u_char  t1_retries;
		#	must be 1 to conform to CCITT X.25 
3               #u_char  t2_retries;
3               #u_char  t3_retries;
                #    number of retries before reporting error status
                #    to X.25 MGMT socket.
                #    1 ~ 255 ( attemps in decimal ) for above four fields
2048            #u_short	sendspace;
20480           #u_short	recvspace;
0		#u_char		D_bit;
		#		This applies only to calls that are
		#		originated.  For incoming calls, D bit
		#		is always accepted.
0		#u_char		non_standard_diag_code;
		#	This permits the setting of non-standard
		#	diagnostic code in clear indication and clear
		#	confirmation packets. 
		#	0= standard diagnostic code
		#	1= non-standard diagnostic codes
		#	suggested value= 0
0		#int	dst_opt;
		#		This parameter can have one of two values:
		#		0 or 1.  This parameter is relevant only
		#		for local calls.  If 0, the called address
		#		field in the call request will be set to the
		#		full address of the destination (DNIC+NTN+
		#		subaddress).  If set to 1, only the NTN and
		#		subaddress will be sent.
0		#int	src_opt;
		#		This parameter can be 0, 1, or 2, and is
		#		applicable to all calls (local or long
		#		distance).  If set to 0, the calling address
		#		field in the call request will be set to the
		#		full address of the source (DNIC+NTN+
		#		subaddress). If set to 1, only the NTN and
		#		subaddress will be sent.  If set to 2, only
		#		the subaddress will be sent.
0		#int	zero_opt;
		#		This parameter can be 0, 1, or 2.  If set
		#		to 0, the calling and called address fields
		#		in the call request will be determined by
		#		the setting of dst_opt and src_opt.  If set
		#		to 1, a zero will be prepended to the
		#		called address for long distance calls -
		#		0 will be prepended to aclling address also
		#		if src_opt = 0.  If this parameter is set to
		#		2, it will behave as when it is set to 1,
		#		except that 0 will be prepended for local
		#		calls as well if dst_opt and src_opt
		#		indicate that full address are to be used.
	#Physical Level:
9600		# baud rate( bps ) of physical line( from either modem or
		# internal clocks ).

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